
I have many loves in my life: my husband, my sons, playing the piano, even cooking!  However, I would be remiss not to mention my filofax.  Not only would I be lost without it, but it often feels like the 5th member of our family!  

For those of you who don't know, Filofax is an amazing London-based company that designs stylish yet efficient planners that suit a variety of lifestyles.  My favorite is the simple Personal Domino; when it's not running errands with me tucked safely away in my purse, it's laying open on our kitchen counter as the family reminder to add milk to the grocery list, of soccer practice next Tuesday, or that really important phone number that I had to write down and keep somewhere safe (without having to then remember where you wrote it down!).

Even though it's MY filofax, it really is the family planner.  Not only do I keep a monthly & weekly calendar, but I have a section for meal planning and corresponding grocery lists (will post on this soon!), To-Do lists regarding my son's upcoming birthday party, frequent flyer information for our numerous trips between Seattle, Pittsburgh and Boston, Christmas wish lists, and more!  It's so easy to keep everything at-a-glance.

In recent months, I've gotten more and more creative and started creating my own personalized pages from the filofax blank sheet refills purchase from their online site (Filofax online).  Watch for future posts in The Organization Aficionado on how to resize Word or Excel pages to print accordingly.  Once you know some technical basics, the possibilities are endless!